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- O nas
- Aktualności
- Klub 30
- O nas
- Aktualności
- Warsztaty z wykorzystania AI w pracy naukowo-klinicznej endokrynologa oraz kompleksowego podejścia do leczenia choroby otyłościowej.
- IX Naukowy Dzień Doktoranta
- Serdecznie dziękujemy za wsparcie
- KLUB 30 – warsztaty z (auto)prezentacji w dziedzinie medycyny
- KLUB 30 – warsztaty z przygotowania publikacji naukowych z zakresu medycyny (Proper Medical Writing)
- Wsparcie dla Agatki
- Akromegalia – optymalizacja leczenia
- Wsparcie leczenia córeczki naszej koleżanki.
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- Nauka i edukacja
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- Kontakt
Polskie Towarzystwo
21st European Congress of Endocrinology
Dear Colleague,
It is with great pleasure that the Programme Organising Committee and Local Organising Committee invite you to join us in Lyon, France, for the 21st European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE). We will be convening over three days filled with the latest endocrine research and developments at the Centre de Congrès de Lyon from 18-21 May 2019.
Attracting over 3,700 delegates, from more than 90 countries, ECE continues to develop as the world-leading congress for endocrine specialists. As many of us work within a number of areas of research, or see patients across a wide range of conditions, the benefit of ECE is that you can access a comprehensive programme covering the breadth of the speciality. Our continued aim is to further the understanding and application of endocrine science within our community; ultimately benefiting the life of patients. Whatever your interest there will be sessions that are of direct relevance, as well as unparalleled networking opportunities.
The programme is organised so that you can easily find the topics which will appeal to you; these are defined through the following Focus Areas: Thyroid; Adrenal and Neuroendocrine Tumours; Calcium and Bone; Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism; Pituitary; Reproductive Endocrinology; Interdisciplinary Endocrinology; and Environment, Society and Governance.
ECE 2019 congress is on track to be the best yet, and will feature leading names in our field who will explore some of the most topical and controversial issues in endocrine research and practice.
During the congress you will also have time to explore the history and gastronomy that Lyon, third largest city in France and birthplace of cinema, has to offer.
We encourage you to participate in ECE 2019, through submitting your abstract, registering for the pre-congress events and, of course, attending the congress itself.
We look forward to welcoming you to Lyon!